Photo credit: Egan Hwan / Save the Children, Myanmar

The IFE Core Group, GNC Technical Alliance (formerly the GTAM), UNICEF, WFP, Save the Children, Tech RRT and USAID Advancing Nutrition are glad to invite you all to participate in another learning and sharing “café” that will provide an opportunity for nutrition practitioners to share their lessons learned and experiences in IYCF programmes to the COVID-19 context. 

The Fifth Sharing Café will take place on Monday 30th November 2020 (14.00-15.30 Geneva time). Case Studies will be presented from South Sudan (ACF), Yemen (IMC) and Greece (Cheering).

Register Here.

The webinar will be in english with French, Spanish and Arabic translation.

Bring a beverage of your choice and join us for a rich and relaxed discussion.

Recordings and resources from the previous four Learning and Sharing Café are available here

Suite à la réussite des précédents cafés, le IFE Core Group, GNC Technical Alliance (auparavant GTAM), l’UNICEF, le PAM, Save the Children, Tech RRT et USAID Advancing Nutrition sont heureux de vous inviter à participer à un autre “café d’apprentissage et de partage” qui permettra aux praticiens de la nutrition de partager les leçons apprises et les expériences des programmes ANJE dans le contexte de la COVID-19.

Le Cinquième Café de Partage aura lieu le lundi 30 novembre 2020. Des études de cas seront présentées pour le Sud Soudan (ACF), le Yemen (IMC) et la Grèce (Cheering).

Inscrivez-vous ici.

Le webinaire sera en anglais avec une traduction simultanée en français, espagnol et arabe.

Apportez une boisson de votre choix et rejoignez-nous pour une discussion riche et détendue!

Les enregistrements et les ressources des précédents Cafés sont disponibles ici.

Tras el éxito de los cafés anteriores, el IFE Core Group, GNC Technical Alliance (antes GTAM), UNICEF, WFP, Save the Children, Tech RRT y USAID Advancing Nutrition se complacen en invitarlos a participar en un otro “café de aprendizaje e intercambio” que permitirán a los practicantes de nutrición compartir sus lecciones aprendidas y experiencias de los programas de ALNP en el contexto de la COVID-19.

El Café de aprendizaje tendrá lugar el lunes 30 de noviembre 2020. Se presentarán estudios de casos de Sudan del Sur (ACF), Yemen (IMC) y Grecia (Cheering).

Registrarse aquí.

El webinar será en inglés con traducción simultanea al francés, español y árabe.

¡Traiga una bebida de su elección y únase a nosotros para una discusión rica y relajada!

Las grabaciones y los recursos de los cafés anteriores están disponibles aquí

The IYCF-E operational guidance, alongside relevant GNC-GTAM, WHO and UNICEF, guidance and tools, provide evidence based recommendations on how to adapt and continue IYCF programming also during the COVID-19 pandemic. These learning cafés will provide the opportunity to see how practitioners have been implementing these recommendations.

Protecting breastfeeding and complementary feeding save lives in emergencies and also during the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments, international and national agencies are working hard to ensure that pregnant women, mothers and their children could access appropriate and quality infant and young child feeding services despite the on-going pandemic. 

Country teams have been investing resources and efforts to ensure the protection of the health workers and the community agents, the women and the children, but at the same time to continue protect and support life nutrition life savings interventions.  

During these learning and sharing cafés practitioners will share how they have adapted their IYCF/IYCF-E programme during the COVID-19 pandemic, what has been the process, the challenges encountered and how they were able to resolve them. An inspiring sharing of experiences that will be enriched by some updates around global guidance for local adaptation.  

3 responses to “Another IYCF-E Learning and Sharing Café coming on the 30th November 2020!

  1. I am interested in this forum because the experiences of each other allow us to adapt our interventions on the ground especially as situations change from one place after another and our interventions must be flexible insofar as the covid 19 we forces unexpected and unusual situations

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