Photo credit: Peter Caton/ Save the Children

Do you want to asses the level of knowledge, skills and confidence that health and nutrition workers have in the area of IYCF/IYCF-E? Are you aiming to establish a capacity development plan?

If so, then the IYCF-E Individual Capacity Assessment Tool for Health and Nutrition Service Providers is a critical resource for you. The tool was developed by Save the Children and Tech RRT, with the support of the IFE Core Group and financial support of Irish Aid.

You can access the tool here.

The tool supports the assessment of existing IYCF-E/IYCF capacities to inform context-specific orientation or training. This is one of the six practical steps set out in the Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies developed by the IFE Core Group.

The capacity assessment tool can be used before an emergency (in the preparedness phase) as well as during an emergency.

This tool has been developed to help organisations understand what individual technical capacity exists and what types of capacity development activities are needed to provide high quality IYCF services during emergencies.

For any comments or questions please contact Alessandro Iellamo ( and the Tech RRT (

Details of photo:

New mother Christine Mutinda performs KMC at Kibera South hospital with Kibera Slum in the background. The slum is the second largest in Africa.

Save the Children is strengthening the skills and capacity of health providers in seven hospitals located in the Langata area of Nairobi, Kenya, so that they can deliver higher quality care to preterm and low-birth-weight babies. The project is targeting to reach 2,200 new born babie each year. Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is the current recommended practice to care for stable preterm babies in Kenya. For babies, KMC promotes faster weight gain due to better thermoregulation and improved breastfeeding and therefore shorter hospital stay. KMC improves bonding between mother and baby and empowers mothers to play an active role in care for the newborn. KMC reduces dependency on incubators, does not require additional nursing staff and reduces cost per patient due to shorter hospital stays providing benefits for the health facility.

2 responses to “New IYCF-E Individual Capacity Assessment Tool AVAILABLE NOW!

  1. This is a very essential tool capable of identifying gaps in knowledge of health workers. It helps in focusing training to the actual areas of deficiencies, conserving funds and reducing the length of training.

    Kudos to you guys at Save the Children

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