Save the Children, UNICEF, Safely Fed Canada and John Hopkins University, with the support of the Tech RRT and the IFE Core Group, invite you to the webinar “Protecting, promoting and supporting IYCF during the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections and recommendations” on Monday 6th April at 2-3.30pm (Geneva time).

This webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to share their questions, concerns and experiences in relation to protecting, promoting and supporting IYCF during these difficult times.

No need to register in advance at this stage, click here to join, just before the webinar.

Webinar objective: the webinar aims at providing an overview of the latest global and evidence-based recommendations related to IYCF and COVID-19. At the same time, the webinar will include suggestions and reflections around communication about breastfeeding with health care providers and caregivers as well as suggestions for IYCF programming adaptation in the context of COVID-19.

Webinar outline:

  • Introduction and welcome
  • Overview of evidence and recommendations
  • Communicating about breastfeeding during COVID-19 pandemic (the dos and don’ts)
  • Suggestions for IYCF programme adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic [scenarios and potential adaptations)
  • Facilitated Q&A

Please contact the Tech RRT on if you have any questions.

All welcome.

Webinaire: Protéger, promouvoir et soutenir l’ANJE durant la pandémie du COVID-19: réflexions et recommandations

Save the Children, l’UNICEF, Safely Fed Canada et l’Université John Hopkins, avec le soutien du Tech RRT et de l’IFE Core Group, présentent le webinaire «Protéger, promouvoir et soutenir l’ANJE durant la pandémie du COVID-19: réflexions et recommandations».

Lundi 27 avril 2020 de 14h00 à 15h30 (heure de Genève). Enregistrez-vous ici.

Ce webinaire sera l’occasion pour les participants de partager leurs questions, préoccupations et expériences concernant la protection, la promotion et le soutien de l’ANJE en ces temps difficiles.

Objectif du webinaire: le webinaire vise à fournir un aperçu des dernières recommandations mondiales, fondées sur des données probantes concernant l’ANJE et le COVID-19. Dans le même temps, les intervenants nous présenterons des suggestions et des réflexions sur la communication au sujet de l’allaitement maternel auprès des prestataires de soins et des soignants. Ils nous parleront également des suggestions concernant l’adaptation du programme ANJE dans le contexte du COVID-19.

Veuillez contacter le Tech RRT à «» si vous avez des questions.

Vous êtes tous les bienvenus

Seminario web: Protección, promoción y apoyo de ALNP durante la pandemia de COVID-19: reflexiones y recomendaciones

Save the Children, UNICEF, Safely Fed Canada y la Universidad John Hopkins, con el apoyo de Tech RRT y IFE Core Group, presentan el seminario web “Protección, promoción y apoyo de Alimentación del Lactante y del Niño/a Pequeño/a (ALNP) durante la pandemia COVID-19: reflexiones y recomendaciones”.

Miércoles 6 de mayo a las 5-6.30 p.m. (hora de Ginebra). Registro aquí.

Este seminario web brindará a los participantes la oportunidad de compartir sus preguntas, inquietudes y experiencias en relación con la protección, promoción y apoyo de ALNP durante estos tiempos difíciles.

Objetivo del seminario web: el seminario web tiene como objetivo proporcionar una visión general de las últimas recomendaciones globales y basadas en evidencia relacionadas con ALNP y COVID-19. Al mismo tiempo, el seminario web incluirá sugerencias y reflexiones para la comunicación sobre la lactancia materna con los proveedores y cuidadores de la salud, así como sugerencias para la adaptación de la programación ALNP en el contexto de COVID-19.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Tech RRT en

Todos bienvenidos












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34 responses to “Webinar – Protecting, promoting and supporting IYCF during the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections and recommendations

  1. Respected Sir please send me the details as I am interested to join the session
    Thanks and regards

  2. We are finding difficulties to connect from Syria. It would be great in case we did not manage to connect/solve the problem to get the recording please.
    Thank you for all the work you are doing to support country offices.

    1. Dear Dr Najwa, we will be sending an email with webinar recordings out following the webinars towards the end of next week. However you can check here later this week and it will be up. Thanks for your message. Ben

      1. Hi there, you need to register for the webinar in future, in order to receive information on how to join. The recording and slides can be found here

    1. Hi there, you need to register for the webinar in future, in order to receive information on how to join. The recording and slides can be found here

  3. This is a great opportunity for my learning. Ireally would love to join the webinar though i’m finding it difficult to connect

    1. Hi there, you need to register for the webinar in future, in order to receive information on how to join. The recording and slides can be found here

  4. I am trying to connect from Sudan/WHO, but it fails to connect. Am still trying, in case we couldn’t join please, share the recording and materials. Thanks

    1. Hi there, you need to register for the webinar in future, in order to receive information on how to join. The recording and slides can be found here

    1. Bonjour, vous pouvez trouver l’enregistrement et les diapo du webinaire ici . En plus, normalement on va refaire le webinaire en francais, parmi les autres langues.

  5. Dear Ben , it will be really good if you send us or publish all presentations of last two webinars on IYCF, malnutrition and Covid 19

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