The Tech RRT is looking for humanitarian practitioners with experience in implementing emergency nutrition activities in traditionally development contexts to contribute to a future Tech RRT webinar looking to highlight challenges and strategies used in these unique contexts.  


Humanitarian activities respond to the immediate aftermath of emergencies, or longer-term chronic emergencies, aiming to save lives and alleviate suffering. Development activities target ongoing structural issues with the aim of ensuring resilient communities and sustainable livelihoods. The two responses often rely on a different ecosystem of organizations and actors, different mechanisms for implementation of activities, different guidance and tools to support their success, and require different behaviours and competencies. 

However, emergencies and development contexts are not mutually exclusive. New emergencies are occurring in countries that had been long-term development contexts and are finding themselves struggling with varied multi-layered challenges such as how to swiftly transition to emergency mode, how to utilize emergency resources, and or how to adapt existing structures to manage the emergency. The realization that greater synergies are needed between humanitarian and development actors caused major stakeholders at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit to identify strengthening the humanitarian-development nexus as a top priority. This is particularly pertinent in the nutrition sector, with significant efforts to tackle nutrition challenges happening within both humanitarian and development spheres. 


The overall objective of the Webinar is to support practitioners to create more effective synergies between humanitarian and development responses. 

The Webinar will draw on field experience to discuss lessons learned when implementing emergency nutrition humanitarian activities in traditionally development contexts. The aim is to bring together practitioners who can share their unique experiences in such contexts: outlining the challenges they faced and putting forth the strategies they utilized when implementing their activities.  

Requirements and contact: 

The aim is for each case study to be summarized in a 15-minute presentation supported by no more than 8 presentation slides. 

The Tech RRT will work closely with the presenter on the development of the content.

If interested, kindly submit a brief summary (5-10 bullet points) of the case study concept to Martha Nakakande, Tech RRT CMAM Advisor, and (  Alexa Humphreys, Tech RRT Assessment Advisor ( 

Please get in touch if you have any questions or ideas for this webinar. 

We are aiming to have 2-3 strong case studies, from a variety of contexts. 

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